We are chapters of a great book
Some come lengthy, others brief
Some bring joy and others grief
Her rough old cover will turn you off at first look.

She is complete, yet unfinished
Every micro-second births a new line
While every new born has a new page to define
She is as ugly or beautiful as we have her furnished

She is as old as the first piece of our puzzle
As young as the newest infant in its craddle
Her pages are young and old, like a riddle
Every dawn and every birth makes her age fizzle

The great book that has no pages
Written in letters, sentences, paragraphs and chapters of us
All fitting perfectly together with a great fuss
Both our beauty and our garbages

Like every beautiful book, every line and page completes her make up
Erasing a line diminishes her
Reaping a page renders her incomplete.
(c) #Tee2emm


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