Life germinating from the East
Swallowing whole the nightly beast
The break just ended, time to get back on set
Without a script nor cameras let's act this playlet.
Let's make every second count Putting fears and our tears out Tick tack, tick tack, tick tack The clock keeps racing away But hearts traipsing their way Through all these kaos While still loving piously Walking hand in hand with fingers interlocked While our heads this wild dream forge Come away, come away There is nothing more to say But to drink from the deep bowls of love And watch the courting white doves Goo goo gooing To the pleasure of its lady With all the care and skill there is. Here I stand totally blind But you keep me in the right Your love is my assurance that all will be fine Love me a Lil more Cos that's the only thing that is still sure.
Suicide A lifeless body dangling from a string A slit wrist spewing crimson soul The short route into the unknown; Into the womb of the earth Making another casket pregnant The time poured into paving that old path The path to lost dream was starting to promise yield Though slowly but surely . Martin's faked smile and grin was so real Even his reddened eyes glittered from it Concealing the hurt, pain, and despair inside perfectly Did you end your pain and hurt to start mine? Should I string myself from that same window bars? Is suicide the remedy to hurt and pain? I might as well join you soon I bet Helen will joins us too Won't that make a beautiful chain? I'm stuck between blaming you and not blaming you. Mr Martin, Was it me? But I remember my heart kissing yours The shared times to procreate a dream Was it the dream? Was it too big a dream? It was easy It was still a foetus It was easy We could've aborted it It was easy It would've...
Honeyed tongue For your emptiness I longed A mere shiny stone Feigning itself a piece of gold Thence to many stories told So much for the water a basket holds Hollowness and loud noise You can't separate those Loud mouthedness and lies Faithful husband and wife Unbreakable binds for life You can't divorce those hard as you try Heard this song long enough Falsehood gets embraced while reason is tossed Wrong destination is begotten by wrong courses The end lays visible from the take off No surprises but it still hurts Hurt more than a deep cut I knew you are as beautiful as you are flawed Despite do I dare to trust Hope against hope you prove me wrong That everyone is capable of a turn Even a bat can land on the ground But I was the one who was wrong A rodent that gets attracted by an owls eyes Won't live long enough to realise that fatality of its fantasies My tears and sties Against that you can verify My potent and infallible testimony Can'...
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