As a child, Tom always dreamt of inventing something, but before he figured every idea he had, he would find out someone had created that which he had been celebrating was going to be his invention.
First Tom thought of creating a toy helicopter only to wake to a disappointment that another kid had designed a much better one than what he had created in his whirling mind. Again Tom had an epiphany of creating an audio book, obviously he hatted reading his school books. But unfortunately Tom woke to yet another disappointment after years of nursing that idea. Tom consoled himself that if it weren't for financial constrain at the time, he would've achieved that.
Years went by as suns rose and slept, Tom grew from that wild child to a young man. The dream of being an inventor had become a childhood fantasy after he fell in love with poetry and music. He spent most of his spare time staring into his mind and scribbling stuffs only his friends read. His yearning to be read sailed him back to that sea of wanting to invent something. He thought "people don't read much, why not put your poems in audio form" he smiled to himself thinking he got it this time. "I'm going to call it audio poetry, no, voiced poetry, maybe live poetry or poetry alive" even the name for his invention became another thing to invent.
Time went, Tom took his time putting the pieces of the puzzle of his invention together, but this dream met it's fatal end when Tom stumbled on a caption "Spoken word poetry" on the internet. The little Tom inside the grown Tom broke all over again. He reluctantly clicked on the caption, it was a video. The few seconds buffering felt like forever. The video finally played, it was a lady performing a poem. It was a devastating discovering to find his idea was nothing new, to make it worst, the lady's performance was something Tom knew would take two life times for him to put together.
After days of licking his wounds, he decided "OK I'm going to be the first to start a spoken word poetry club in Jos" of course that dream met it's disappointment when Tom got  invited to American corner by a friend, there Tom watched Leon, Rudolph, Oracle, Decipher, Jennifer etc chew poems like a point and kill at West of mines.
Tom the inventor went home half disappointed and part wowed. He looked at himself like a sympathizer would a member of a bereaved family "Invention is not your thing, just relax and enjoy the inventions of great minds" he told himself.
That day the Inventor Tom was laid to rest under a beautiful tombstone.


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