Yeterdays were pregnant with today
The ship set sail
The tides rose, the fog and haze
The stars got lost in the clouds
The moon lost it's whereabouts
Causing the course

The today glowed like the sun
But on arrival it was gone
Was the vintage a naïve young child's?
Because it was ere vividly defined
A crown, throne and scepter all lay in wait
Awaiting a destined King to coronate
Time and the four elements synergized to propagate
But I must have woken a bit too late
I must have slept too long on this bed of paternal dictations
Causing this stillbirth; abortion.
The bed stayed intact but the room a total squalor
Standing in the middle of the ashes in total awe
This barren fields, the eternity it took to plough
Where did it go wrong

I slept to slip into this old dream
But it was all an endless sea of emptiness.
Now I'm standing on the slim strand of time, stranded
Maybe, dreams where meant to stay alive at night
Only to die with the first glimmer of morning light

Should I dawdlingly roam this realm?
Dare to slip into another dream?
Or just wait till I'm unified with this dead dream?


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