On that day as this
A few steps down the lane of memories
An angel was crafted
And into the Markus' was drafted
Bringing a rare kind of glow
Making the family's laughter grow

Born wearing a crown of perfection
All elements mixed in perfect proportion
Tinged with brilliance from the stars
Not one dent nor scar
The whirlwinds of life threatened
But the sands of time provided the cushion

The sun and moon are aligned
The end? A beautiful eclipse of a child
This eclipse still reoccurs once every year
Refreshing those memories so dear
Hatching the egg of merriment and songs;
The dance we've restrained all year long

I awoke today and stumbled on this eclipse
Forcing me to reflect back on every moment of bliss
"Where is the cake?
Let the music play"
For today is the day we sing of the days expended
And receive the cheque for those that lie ahead

I pried into heavenly affairs
And saw how your days will thus fare;
"I saw joy and peace;
Happiness and bliss;
Love that knows no bounds;
Fulfilment all year round;
Contentment that breaks the spell of lack
Brightness that defies the dark;
Wisdom that deciphers every riddle;
Calm in the middle of squabble;
Finally, I saw us doing this again
Next year and many other years.

I love you, big sis
Happy birthday


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