I may not believe in things you believe
Should that be the yardstick on which we live?
I may lust after waters in a bowl
But you prefer yours in a slim bottle
The choices we make must be our choosing
We make our beds, but others make our graves
A man is entitled to what he craves
I may be straight where you have dents and flaws
That will never mend my own broken wing
Who's decision is what is right and wrong?
Defiance to biology and norms
We are eaten by evolution's worms
Should this be considered another phase?
Man lusting man, Bree yearns to feel Pam's curves
Singing same song, just in different words
What if we all pleasure in our make up?
Man would've found a lid for his big cup
If the maker made us with chance to choose
That same chance to choose we must never lose
The future shouldn't be fed to swine of wimps


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