Words That Became Kisses

Long tea aided chats
Even longer late night calls
The many burnt nights
Then the preceding sleepy days.
The hellos and heys
The I miss yous
The conversations that run out of words
Then the reluctant goodnights
The "Just-calling-to-check-on-yous"
Done a few times
A routine evolved
The carefully thought out poems
Bedeviled by grammatical flaws and typos

Slowly words grew inept
Then the quest to dive deeper depths
The many hours of movie watching
Still not knowing what is on
Attention strayed from the movie
To the electricity building from held hands
Then late "walk-me-homes"
The welcome prolonged goodnight hugs
The heaving of our closely pressed chest
This time the haunting goodnights.

Words grew fewer
Then the realization of her glossed lips;
The little stars in her paralyzing eyes;
Then a seed of her lips sown on mine
The wishes that wishes were more than wishes.

Words touched
Words kissed
They soon will solve the odd maths?


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