Bot's Rang'al (poem type)
Bot's Rang'al is a poem type invented by Thomas Bot (Tee2emm).
Bot's Rang'al is a 6 lines poem written in two stanzas; a quatrain and a couplet.
The first stanza which has an Abba rhyme pattern are four lines of questions (rhetorical).
Line 1 opens with a mention of who/what the questions are directed at.
The closing couplet, alliterations with an ee rhyme pattern, is a summary of the reason for the questions in the first stanza or simply a statement/opinion.
All lines of the the quatrain must have 12 syllables, while the closing couplet could have less but not more.
Death oh death why are you so mean; cruel?
Do you have a heart or a mind that feel?
Do you find pleasure in the pain you deal?
From man-made tools is your best a shovel?
Same sad sounds that sends souls sailing
Where, why, we will wear wondering
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