Scary stares Smiles are dear Wisdom is lost in the fog Collision of conflicting cultures Booom, a fireworks of flawed colours More, lost than learned Everybody is wronged Tolerance and patience is outran Mutual suspicion Paranoia the new order Brothers against one another Hate has no restriction nor borders Bigger stars swallow smaller ones Full cycle and full moon Cannibalism broods A beautiful piece Cruchetted piece of mal-mixed colours Beautiful flowers yet the garden bears flaws Beautiful clouds with a crooked sun Beautifully laid bed with thorns Equal amounts of light and darkness Perfect blend of sanity and madness Sweet cruel reality Am I the only one or all has gone empty? Get off your gloom Smile like the sun Let laughter brighten you Like the night the moon Over life, death looms Live and die, all too soon Live then, enjoy this falsehood For as long as it feigns to be true Live or not, life must be lost.