Finally the shell if silence got cracked
Then with a hypnotising smile she said "hi"
In an instance I was in a trance
I had to pinch myself back to life
"How much longer will you be on this ride?"
"Till the last stop" calmly she replied back
Her smile now an elaborate grin revealing her perfect dent
"Is it ok if I asked you to read something for me?"
"When do you mean?"
"Right now and here
Straight from this mobile thing"
"Ok then" said she
I handed her the phone
My hand half trembling
She took it off my hand, her cotton-soft fingers clumsily touching my own
Her face now glowing under the illumination of her perfection smile
Revealing her perfect set
Like corals littered around an ocean's shore
Now set for the read
She settled her eyes on the old scratched screen of my phone
I tried to looked away so I won't see the countenance she'd wear
But I was struck by meningitis
I couldn't move, my neck was stiff
Like some nut gone rusty.
After a few lines
I could see her huge smile decline
By now I was already being scolded by my mind
'How can you let yourself go blind?
What must be going on in that beautiful mind?'
Halfway into the read, the hitherto glow on her was hard to find.
The read done, she handed me back my mobile device
Like a bus driver handing roga to a police
Now the phone already gone warm from her angelic touch
She handed the phone without a word
"Is that a song or a poem?" She finally muttered
Just before I choked on my saliva
The smile and glow now resurfaced
"Oh, that's a poem" I told her
"Its creative, who wrote that?"
"I did" trying hard to hold back my smile


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