
Your peace and serenity gave way for pain
Your green fields decorated with the slain
The happy people before your masters came
Though the masters left, the fields never regained its green again
I remember the beauty of your mother's songs
Like a healing balm they make all ache numb
But your colonial master must have altered a few notes
Now the beauty therein is gone
It now sounds like a funeral song.
Oh Africa
They call you black
Is that now also the colour of your heart?
You were once royal
Why did you throw away your royal robes, throne and crown
And choose a commoners life of kissing the ground?
Once your shoulders hung high
But now they a drooping like tears from crying eyes
Its time to go back
Go back whence we came
Though the path is over grown with bush and grass
But it is not impossible to retrace
Go back to our days of grandeur and grace .


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