Let's make every second count
Putting fears and our tears out
Tick tack, tick tack, tick tack
The clock keeps racing away
But hearts traipsing their way
Through all these kaos
While still loving piously

Walking hand in hand with fingers interlocked
While our heads this wild dream forge
Come away, come away
There is nothing more to say
But to drink from the deep bowls of love
And watch the courting white doves
Goo goo gooing
To the pleasure of its lady
With all the care and skill there is.

Here I stand totally blind
But you keep me in the right
Your love is my assurance that all will be fine
Love me a Lil more
Cos that's the only thing that is still sure.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks first fir the visit, then read and the beautiful comment.


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