
Showing posts from October, 2016

Twin Souls

I Am   A fragment    Of this life      Half yet full       Half in light        The other part         Crawls in the dark           All the déjà vus            And the touchés             Makes it very hard             To tell what the truth is.              A twin of two souls              Like a letter on opposite            Sides of a lengthy scroll           Meet they will         But hardly ...

False Hope

Seduce us out of wisdom into folly Then laugh till you ache Watching, aloof, as our essence break Elated like the sun dancing on a wavy stream, jolly. Blinded by your smokescreen We became jubilant like a peer-pressured teen In our sedateness, we went to sleep on a bed Only to reveille on a coal, hot and red. Goodbye days of fairy hope I have seen the length of your slim rope I know how you sting then rub I have savoured the risk of making a pet of a cub All the glitz has been but a farce And your honey constipating Offer your sham bridges but I'll pass Yes I know how they can be tempting. False hope is like a false alarm Only realized long after the harm.

Room Of Empty Heads

Night or day None can tell The pot still bellowing thick smoke Even silence is funny Laughter rang like a sick doorbell Many days had dawned and died Littered bottles, ash can attest Where is the need to dream? Everyday day goes by dreamy Eat, drink, smoke and its a good day Four foolish fun-fond friends Their sunset is easy to predict

Tree Of Life (Family)

                      Like                     An oak              Standing by the       Sea shore, her roots stay        Shallow yet she thrives    Unaware of the strive outside    Her zone and blind of what she        owns. She hates what she          has and envy the nothing           Others pray to escape.                We are family                    We love    ...

Beggar's Choice

Rags Big bowl Awful song This road knew him So well it could count how much he had earn. His clothes changed and his heart sprouted contempt; His eyes, disdain; His smile, scorn; His songs, Pride. Coins Became Too heavy Thus, got turned down Refunded back into the cheerful palm.

Teacher's Hope

Both hands still dusty with chalk The students' countenances still heavy like pregnant clouds The many unasked questions Forming like a volcano threatening to erupt But there, Trum sat with a sparkle in his eyes Like a flashlight in the dark In those eyes, the future is pregnant with a moon

Berom Marital Ritual

*BEROM TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE.* *BY CHUNG DAVID DAVOU 2014.* *1.0 Introduction.* The Berom Traditional marriage is a very unique feast in Berom land. In the past, it was seen as a sacred rite where all details are observed keenly and carried out to the later. *1.1 Engagement.* Engagements in Berom land were done on behalf of the younger ones by their parents while they are still very tender. It was obligatory of parents who have a young male child to wait for another family to give birth to a female child to ask for her hand in marriage. They first of all study the other family to be sure they are of good character before seeking for their hand in marriage. It was a family vs family affair and not the two children. Other families usually do not seek for marriage from families associated with; theft, laziness, prostitution etc. To seal an engagement, the family of the male child would have to take either a chicken or goat to the family of the female child, depending on how buoya...