In Tune With Humanity.

A generation of the blind
No, not blindness of the eyes
But blindness of the mind
If we cannot see beyond our eyelids
How can we see the poor and deprived
The voiceless, downtrodden and marginalised
Or the gross abuse of human rights
That the perpetrators seek to justify
And the media does well to glorify
Nothing is new on the news every time
Watching has become a depressing exercise.

A world of the deaf
No, not deafness of the ears
But deafness of the heart
If we cannot hear beyond our ear....drums
How can we hear about the rot of the earth
The cry of that child everyone have deserted
The ever loud war drum beat
The glaring yearning of humanity that
Is constantly well kept under the carpet
Which crisis analyst always helps with a beautiful excerpts
Buttressing governments' claim "there is no other way but that"

A generation of the numb
Not numbness of the 5 senses, no
But the numbness of the soul
If we cannot feel beyond the pain that is our own
How can we feel the hurt of those without a home
Those kids that go naked without food
Those that are not sure of a tomorrow
Those that wars have confined to grieve and sorrow
Isn't that why governments are always rude
Instead of apologising and making amends for policies gone wrong?
Isn't that why we post for pictures with the malnourished so the world can call us heroes?
Our cheap trick to be famous

The state of our society
Is a reflecting statement of who we are, really
But the mirror seems to be broken
Thus fine tuning the reflecting images
A world of selfishness, cruelty without rights
One country does wrong and another feels the bite
War erupts, one more wrong to make the other 2 right
A world of long days without nights
If you cannot go to sleep
How is it possible to dream?
A world bedeviled with drought
Everything hitherto coloured green is fading out
Unless the rain pours down soon
Like the fields, we are also doomed
Unless we feel, hear and see
This is where our end begins.


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