Every night I read from the pages of her heart
My two hands holding the pages agape
I try to read wholly, not part
But the read cuts through the heart
Reading through her adventurous day
Smiling to all her happy moments
Shedding tears to her moments of torment
Taking her hand to the firmaments
Her wounds I'll tend to mend
Her blindness to heal
Her crippled knee
Mend till she stands
Stand all by herself again
Every meal she served
Tasted the true taste of love
Every bowl of water she served
Tasted like it was from the fountain of the heart
Her wretched clothes shone
Shone like a snow flake directly against the sun
Her unkempt hair still shone
Shone bright with the radiance of self-pride
Her feet bore beautiful tattoos
Testimonies of the valleys she has through
She cried our tears
And soothed away our fears
When our heads were dropped because they felt too heavy
She showed us how to stay focus and steady
Like teaching someone to walk barefoot on a sword blade
Again I spread open those pages
Staring back into her smile to encourage
Hearing the loud advise in her silence
For the first time, seeing life from her pedestal
Life just became a lot more beautiful
Like a lady just after her makeup.


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