A Compromised Generation

Tornado of thoughts
Whirling with this troubled clouds.
How did we get here?
The answer? Who cares?
The trampled remember the past
The trampler, in the present bask.

Humanity, the trending fraud.
Ages ago, who would've thought
Man is reduced to fear
Death lurks everywhere
Though that is the least of them all
Other accompanying devils deal their far worst blows.

Is it still a man's (human's) world?
My boomeranging thought.
If it still is
Justify this.
How come there are more guns
Than there are humans?
More killings than births?
More wars than peace-advancement seminars?

If truth has only one perspection
By now, we should be standing on the same vantage point

The world ie now no more than a chess board
We are; the chess ponds;
Bishops and knights;
Queens and kings,
At the summit of the prism

Is this what humanity was designed to become?
I bet, we are just a compromised generation.


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